Snow Plowing and Parking

City staff provides snow removal services on public roads, trails, outdoor rinks and sidewalks. No on street parking is allowed in the City of Farmington between November 1 and April 15 of each calendar year. Please review the frequently asked questions below.

What are the winter parking restrictions?

No person shall park a vehicle or permit it to stand upon any street, highway, alley, or public parking area within corporate city limits for a period of time exceeding 72 consecutive hours. In addition, between November 1 and April 15 of each calendar year, no person shall park a vehicle or permit it to stand upon any street, highway, alley, or public parking area between the hours of 2:30 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. or after a two inches or greater snowfall until the streets are plowed curb to curb except as authorized.
For questions about the parking restrictions, call the Police Department at 651-280-6700.

What is the purpose of winter parking restrictions?

It is the most cost effective and efficient way to maintain our streets in winter. If a snowfall event warrants a call out of plows, 3 a.m. is a good time to start cleaning streets, before residents begin their commutes and school buses pick up children. We want to make the roads as safe as possible and quickly. Our trucks have two plow blades; a 12 ft. width on the front blade and a 10 ft. width on the wing. An operator can clean the street, curb-to-curb, in two passes.

Why is this restriction every night?

It is easier to conform to the law when it becomes a habit. Also, many snow events start in the middle of night when residents are sleeping and unaware.

What are snow removal requirements?

Snow and ice on boulevard sidewalks or trails must be cleaned within 12 hours of accumulation. Snow may not be moved from private property onto streets.

What should I do if my mailbox is damaged by the city's snow removal equipment?

The City of Farmington's winter maintenance operations require that residential mailboxes be installed to meet the city's specifications. Property owners are responsible for making appropriate changes and/or repairs as needed. If installed correctly and maintained in good condition, mailboxes should not be susceptible to damage.

Recommended mailbox installation

City policy allows mailbox replacement only if there has been direct contact with city snow removal equipment. The city is not responsible for damage to mailboxes that are knocked over by snow or ice rolling off the plow. To report a mailbox damaged by equipment call 651-280-6904.

What should I do if my mail isn't being delivered?

It is the mailbox owner's responsibility to remove any excess snow to allow mail delivery.

How to avoid sod damage

Mark your curb with bright orange stakes. Stakes are free to residents and are available at City Hall (8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.) and the Maintenance Facility (between 7:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m.) by appointment. 

What should I do if my sod is damaged by the city's snow removal equipment?

Sod damaged by plows and reported each year by June 1, will be repaired or replaced by the Municipal Services Department. Sod damaged by salt, sand, or deicing chemicals will not be repaired or replaced by the city. To report damaged sod call 651-280-6904.

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