The City of Farmington has a one-hauler system for recycling & trash collection. City code requires that all residential and commercial properties must use the city's current hauler, Dick's Sanitation, Inc. (DSI). To set up service, please visit
Dick's Sanitation website, call DSI at 952-469-2239 or email them at
[email protected].
An exception to this code exists only in the event that DSI cannot service the user due to the waste characteristics (Farmington Municipal Code 7-1-3: EXCEPTIONS). In this case, the owner would need to submit an application and permit to the city for approval. Please contact the city for more information.
Business owners can properly dispose of hazardous waste through Dakota County's Very Small Quantity Generator (VSQG) program. Visit
their website for more information and to apply.
For those outside Farmington city limits:
Please contact your township's clerk or contact a waste hauler for questions regarding recycling and disposal of yard waste, household hazardous waste, appliances, or other items.
Castle Rock Township: 651-460-2221 or
[email protected]
City of Empire: 651-463-4494 or
[email protected]
Eureka Township: 952-469-3736 or
[email protected]