Organics and Yard Waste

Yard and tree waste

In Minnesota, it is illegal for homeowners to place yard and tree waste in their household garbage. Fortunately, there are several options for dealing with it. Yard waste is a natural product that can be composted and reused rather than taking up valuable space in a landfill.  Composting is an efficient way to break down organic materials into an end product that is beneficial to the soil and growing plants. More specifically, composting is a microbial process that converts plant materials such as grass clippings and leaves to a more usable organic soil amendment or mulch.

Yard waste service options with DSI

DSI provides the option to pick up yard waste materials as part of their curbside collection program for an additional fee. Their service options include:

  1. Seasonal Yard Waste Service: Includes a 95-gallon cart (must weigh less than 100 lbs) + 10 brown, compostable bags or bundles per week (bags not supplied by Dick's Sanitation). Seasonal service runs from mid-April to mid-November, weather permitting.
  2. Christmas Tree Removal: Christmas Trees are picked up during the first two full weeks of January. Christmas trees are an "add-on" to our seasonal yard waste service and are not included in the base rate. Please call our office one day prior to your regular service day to schedule a pickup.
For more details, to set up seasonal service or schedule a call-in, please call DSI's office at 952-469-2239. Collected bagged yard waste goes to a nearby compost facility where it is processed into a product that can be used again in a garden. Compostable bags, required in Dakota County, help to produce a more valuable compost material. Compostable bags may be purchased at most local retail, hardware, discount, and nursery stores.

Yard waste drop-off sites

For those who prefer to haul their yard waste directly to a facility:
The Mulch Store
651-423-4401 (call to find out hours)
16454 Blaine Ave.
Rosemount, MN

Make your own compost pile

Many residents choose to deal with their yard waste by converting it to compost right on their own property. A back yard compost bin is easy to make and maintain. Many homeowners build compost bins out of large drums, wood, wire mesh, or concrete blocks. Compost is easy to make. The essential components of compost are organic matter, water, air, and nitrogen. To make compost, simply mix organic materials such as leaves, vegetative kitchen waste, and garden debris in a compost bin. Visit the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's website to learn more.

Organics drop-off

This is ONLY for food waste. NO yard waste (leaves or grass clippings) accepted here.

Dakota County residents can drop off their organic waste for composting right here in Farmington! It's easy:

  1. Sign up by visiting Dakota County's webpage, calling 952-891-7557 or emailing [email protected].
  2. Start collecting! Bag your organics using a paper or BPI-certified compostable bag (provided for free at all drop sites). Visit Dakota County's webpage for information on what is accepted at the collection site. You will also receive this information in the mail once you sign up for the program.
  3. Bring your organics to any drop site in Dakota County. Farmington's drop site is located at the Farmington Central Maintenance Facility, 19650 Municipal Drive. Don't forget to grab another bag for your next load!
Materials are taken to The Mulch Store in Rosemount to become nutrient-rich compost.
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