What is the grass height standard for the city?
All weeds or growing grasses upon any platted lot in the city, which are in excess of one foot (1'), or have gone or about to go to seed, are hereby declared to be a nuisance, with some exceptions, and must be removed.
What does the Natural Area / Conservation Area / Wetland Buffer sign at the rear of my property mean?
For the majority of properties in Farmington, these signs delineate a boundary between private property and city owned property. This city owned land is kept as native as possible to provide habitat for wildlife, soil stabilization, and water filtering capabilities. The area should be kept in a natural state with no clearing, mowing or vehicular traffic.
Can I mow down the vegetation adjacent to a stormwater pond / wetland?
A buffer is an undisturbed or reestablished vegetated area adjacent to a stormwater pond / wetland that is an integral part of protecting the wetland ecosystem through filtering pollutants and providing adjacent habitat.
The clearing and removal of vegetation in the buffer area is prohibited, except for selective clearing and pruning of individual trees and shrubs which are dead, diseased, noxious weeds, or hazards.