Fire Statistics Resources
Last Year Interactive Map - Incidents that Farmington Fire responded to last year.
This Year Interactive Map - Incidents that Farmington Fire responded to this year.
Incident Count This Year vs. Last Year - Comparison among this year and last year incident counts.
Incident Response by Primary Station - Number of responses made by crews since the beginning of the year.
Call Volume by Month - Number of calls responded to each month this year.
Incidents by Day and Hour - Number of incidents responded to by the hour of each day this year.
Property Losses by Month - Dollar amount lost in property from fire damage each month this year.
Year to Date Incident by City/Township - Number of incidents occurred by location each month this year.
Year to Date Response by Property Type - Number of incidents that have occurred on private, commercial, residential, etc. properties since the beginning of the year.
Year to Date Response by Unit (Top 15) - Number of incidents each Farmington apparatus responded to this year.
Minnesota Fire Reports and Statistics - The Annual Fire in Minnesota report is based on numbers provided by Minnesota fire departments. Find information on fire causes, fatalities and trends in Minnesota.
National Fire Statistics - The U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) collects data from a variety of sources to provide information and analyses on the status and scope of the fire problem in the United States. Find information on trends in fires, deaths, injuries and dollar loss.