Right of Way Permits

The City of Farmington requires permits for performing work in the City's right of way.  The Farmington Engineering Department uses the Dakota County One Stop Roadway Permit Shop to manage all right of way permits.  There are three types of right of way permits the city administers, Utility Construction Permits, General Excavation Permits and Obstruction Permits.

Application Process

Returning users can visit the One Stop Roadway Permit Shop to login to the system and begin the permit application process.  

If you are first time user of the One Stop system, you will need to create a new user account by clicking the Create Account link in the lower right corner of the login page.

After creating an account in the system, contractors must also submit a Registration Application.

Utility Construction Permit

Utility construction permits are required for installation of utilities in the city's right of way.  When applying for this permit select "Utility Construction Permit" as the permit type in the One Stop Roadway Permit Shop system.  Permit fees can be found on the city's most recent Fee Schedule.  A separate surety deposit will be required (separate from the permit fee). The surety amount requested will be based on the specific nature of the work being proposed. 

General Excavation Permit

General excavation permits are required for disturbing curb, streets, sidewalks, and trails that are installed in the city's right of way.  When applying for this permit select "General Excavation Permit" as the permit type in the One Stop Roadway Permit Shop system.  A general excavation permit is not required if a person already possesses a valid utility construction permit for the same project. The permit fees can be found on the city's most recent Fee Schedule. A separate surety deposit will be required (separate from the permit fee). The surety amount requested will be based on the specific nature of the work being proposed. 

Obstruction Permit

Obstruction permits are required for if a project hinders free and open passage over the right of way.  When applying for this permit select "Obstruction Permit" as the permit type in the One Stop Roadway Permit Shop system.  An obstruction permit is not required if a person already possesses a valid utility construction or general excavation permit for the same project.  Permit fees can be found on the city's most recent Fee Schedule.

Gopher State One Call for Excavations

Excavators (including homeowners), throughout Minnesota are responsible for notifying Gopher State One Call of their proposed excavations. The call center will notify participating underground facility operators, so they can mark the location of their facilities. You can notify Gopher State One Call at their website or by calling 651-454-0002.

If you are a contractor working for a homeowner, it is your responsibility to read the Gopher State One Call Handbook.

Here are a few additional resources:

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