Downtown Redevelopment Plan

The Downtown Redevelopment Plan created a unified vision for downtown Farmington. The plan will help Farmington’s City Council, Economic Development Authority, and other advisory commissions identify opportunities in the downtown area for redevelopment. Since redevelopment efforts often takes many years, it is important to have a unified vision for the downtown area so that staff can identify funding sources for projects and opportunities as they become available.

As a long-term year plan, this illustrative redevelopment plan is intended to provide a proactive tool for communicating the community’s vision for downtown reinvestment and redevelopment projects, both by the public and private sectors. It is not the city’s intent to acquire properties that are identified as potential redevelopment sites on this plan. Redevelopment of individual sites will be primarily dependent upon property owners who are interested and willing to pursue redevelopment or to sell their property to developers who are interested in redevelopment. There may be opportunities for private property owners to partner with the city to successfully achieve the redevelopment goals of this plan. The redevelopment plan provides direction for redevelopment while also leaving room for flexibility and individual expression as part of the redevelopment process which will allow for the creation of a varied and dynamic downtown environment.

Action Steps

Bike Racks

Bike racks have been placed throughout downtown to make downtown Farmington a biking destination. Questions about bike racks in downtown can be directed towards Parks and Recreation Director Kellee Omlid email.

2040 Comprehensive Plan Zoning Update

In fall 2021, the City Council approved a new zoning map which included zoning changes in our downtown to align with the Downtown Redevelopment Plan. These changes included increasing the Downtown Commercial Overlay district one block east to include blocks along fourth street, rezoning B-2 (Downtown Business) parcels along the Vermillion River and west of the railroad south of Elm Street to R-4 (High Density Residential), and eliminating R-T (Downtown Residential Transitional). 

Check out the zoning map here. 


Create A Stronger Downtown Identity and Entry From CR 50

Downtown Farmington banners were purchased for light poles along County Road 50 (Elm Street), Third, Oak, and Spruce Street. Identity and awareness of downtown is low within the community. These banners encompass and blend current city branding with the unique identity of our historic downtown to help welcome those into our downtown and increase awareness of what our historic downtown offers to those who pass through the County Road 50 corridor but do not stop to shop. 

Reuse and Redevelopment of Vacant and Underutilized Sites

Multiple sites in downtown have been acquired for the purpose of reuse and redevelopment.

  • 310 Third Street (Dakota Motors Building) - The property has been purchased for redevelopment and a conditional use permit has been approved for the use of a class III restaurant (an establishment serving both food and alcoholic beverages, but in which the principal business is the sale of such beverages at retail for consumption on the premises) in the B-2 (Downtown Business) zoning district.

  • 344 Third Street (Exchange Bank & Larson Buildings) - The property has been purchased for reuse and redevelopment and a conditional use permit has been approved for the use of a church in the B-2 (Downtown Business) zoning district.

  • 209 Oak Street (Riste Lot) - The Farmington HRA/EDA acquired this lot in 2007 after the site was demolished. The vacant green-space property was sold to the church at 344 Third Street for an accessory outdoor use to the main use of the property.

  • 115 Elm Street - The property has been purchased for redevelopment and a conditional use permit has been approved for the use of a school in the B-2 (Downtown Business) zoning district. 

  • 216 Oak Street - The vacant building has been purchased by the bakery located next door at 212 Oak Street. The business plans to expand into the new space to allow for seating and on-site enjoyment of their bakery products.

  • 306-312 Oak Street - The property has been purchased for the use of dance studio. Multiple improvements have occurred to prepare the property for the reuse of the space.

  • 321 Elm Street - The auto business acquired the residential property adjacent to their business and utilized the space for a business expansion.
  • 213 First Street - The vacant building was purchased and is now being utilized for a business counseling service.
  • 315 Elm Street - The vacant property was purchased and a two story commercial structure was built with an outdoor use of a playground also constructed on-site.

Façade Improvement Program - Closed for 2022

This grant program is now closed for the remainder of 2022. Please inquire for 2023. 

In coordination with the 2022 EDA Workplan, the EDA is offering a Façade Improvement Program for business properties along MN Highway 3 and within downtown Farmington. The program was created to encourage businesses to improve their curb appeal by helping finance exterior façade improvements.

These improvements must be visible from public streets and sidewalks and include, but are not limited to: 

  • Art or murals
  • Awnings, canopies or marquees
  • Decorative fencing
  • Dumpster enclosures or utility screening
  • Exterior lighting
  • Exterior paint and re-siding
  • Masonry repairs and tuckpointing
  • Permanent landscape improvements
  • Permanent patios
  • Repair and restoration of windows and doors
  • Signage
The initial program deadline of March 31, 2022 has passed.

Façade Improvement Program Guidelines
Façade Improvement Program Application
Façade Improvement Property Eligibility Map
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