Code Enforcement

We all like to keep our neighborhoods looking nice. That can mean different things to different people. Therefore, the City of Farmington has codes (or rules) to regulate certain things such as parking, storage of refuse, unlicensed and inoperable vehicles, and general property maintenance.

Report possible code violations using the Farmington Fix form: Farmington Fix.  

If a violation is found, the property owner will receive a letter and have ten days to resolve the issue. When the property is re-inspected, if the violation has not been resolved, a second notice will be sent along with a cost recovery fee. A re-inspection will occur every ten days and the fee will continue to accumulate until the violation is remedied. If the fee is not paid, it will be assessed on the property taxes.

It is up to each individual property owner to maintain their property according to code. Take a look around your property and if any of these code violations are occurring, please remedy them to avoid receiving a notice. The city appreciates everyone’s cooperation. To review the complete City Code click on the link below:

For more information about these codes and the code enforcement process, please call Code Enforcement at 651-280-6824 or email [email protected]. Here are some general rules to follow regarding our most frequently reported code complaints, click on each title for details:

How long can a vehicle be parked on the street and what are the winter parking restrictions?

Vehicles can not be parked in the street for more than seventy-two (72) consecutive hours when winter parking restrictions aren’t in effect.

Winter parking restrictions begin on November 1 and end on April 15 of each year.  During this time, no vehicle parking is allowed on city streets between 2:30 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. and after a two inch or greater snowfall until the streets are plowed curb to curb.

Can vehicles be parked in grass?


Personal vehicles must be parked on a hard surface driveway or parking apron. Recreational vehicles must be parked on a hard surface driveway in the front yard. If parked in the side or rear yard, the vehicles must be parked on asphalt, concrete, or decorative landscape rock. No class 5 rock/gravel is allowed.

My neighbor’s tree is encroaching into my property, can I cut it, or can the City make them cut it?

The city does not enforce trees encroaching on private property. Every effort should be made to come to a solution with your neighbor. You have the right to cut any part of the encroaching tree straight up from your property line.

Are junk/unlicensed vehicles allowed on a property?

No person in charge or control of any property within the city, whether as owner, tenant, occupant, lessee or otherwise, shall allow any unlicensed vehicle, or any partially dismantled, non-operating, junked or discarded vehicle to remain on such property longer than seventy two (72) hours; and no person shall leave any such vehicle on any property within the city for a longer time than seventy two (72) hours.

This does not apply to a vehicle in an enclosed building, a vehicle on the premises of a business enterprise operated in a lawful place and manner, when necessary to the operating of such business enterprise, or a vehicle in an appropriate storage place or depository maintained in a lawful place and manner by the city.

The Police Department has the right to remove/tow any vehicle that is unlicensed, dismantled, non-operating, junked or discarded on city streets.

Who do I contact regarding dog related issues?

The Police Department enforces dog related issues.

Contact the Non-Emergency Police Line 651-280-6700.

My neighbor has junk (including discarded furniture and household items) on their property. Is this allowed?

No person shall place any refuse in any street, alley or other public place, or upon any private property whether owned by such person or not, within the city except it be in a proper container for collection or under express approval granted by the city. Nor shall any person place any refuse in a proper container not owned by them unless they have written permission of the individual owning that proper container. Nor shall any person throw or deposit any refuse in any stream or other body of water.

Do I need a permit for my fence?

If the fence is four 4 feet in height or less a permit is not required. A variance is required for fences over 6 feet and up to 8 feet in height when constructed within the buildable areas of lots in residential districts. A site plan or legal survey with the location of the proposed fence shall be submitted to the building inspection division for approval for all fences over 4 feet in height. An application for a building permit is required for all fences exceeding 6 feet in height.

Residential Fence Heights: In residential districts 4-foot fences may be located on any lot line except that fences on interior lots may be 6 feet in height on the side and rear lot lines beginning at the nearest front corner of the principal building.

Corner Lots: Fences up to 6 feet in height may be constructed on the side and rear lot lines behind the nearest front corner of the principal building subject to the following:

  • The front corner of the principal building is defined as beginning at the widest point of the structure's front street facing foundation as determined by its street address.

  • No fence over 4 feet in height shall be located within the triangle of visibility which is that area within a triangle created by measuring from a point on the curb or edge of the street closest to the center of the intersection, down the front curb lines or edge of the intersecting streets 30 feet, and then connecting these end points with a straight line.

  • When a fence is adjacent to a driveway of a neighboring lot, a 5-foot triangle of visibility or a 5-foot setback along the street side shall be provided at the intersecting lot lines.

Varying Setbacks: Should the fence be located between principal buildings with varying setbacks on adjacent lots, a fence up to 6 feet in height may not extend beyond the average setback of the two buildings.

Commercial and Industrial Districts: Fences located within commercial and industrial districts may be located on any lot line up to a height of 8 feet except in the required front yard.

Am I required to shovel the sidewalk on my property?


Removal of snow and ice from sidewalks and trails in the City is the responsibility of the abutting property owners or occupants, including HOA’s. All sidewalks and trails should be removed of snow twelve (12) hours after the snow event ends.

Failure to plow the sidewalks in a timely manner may result in the City plowing the sidewalk and charging all costs against the property.

When am I allowed to water my lawn?

The city has an odd/even watering policy in place year-round. Addresses ending in an odd number may water on odd-numbered calendar days and vice versa for even-numbered addresses.

No watering (garden sprinkling or other irrigation) is allowed between noon - 6 p.m. regardless if it’s an odd or even day. Exceptions:

  • Hand watering (hose must be attended) of plants

  • Children’s water toys, WHEN IN USE by children

  • Vehicle washing

Violation of the policy can result in a fine.

My neighbor hasn’t mowed their lawn for a while, how high is the grass allowed to get?

Grasses and weeds cannot be greater than one foot (1’) in length. This requirement addresses pest, health and sanitation concerns and is not intended to enforce the aesthetics of a property.

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